Lack of sunshine, lack of fresh air, make John a dull boy....I have started to run at night as much as possible. With the help of relective tape and leg reflector on outside leg and a inexpensive headlamp from Target (Radar ate my good one when he was a puppy). I have managed to teach myself that even when it's rather cold, dark and uncomfortable outside it still can be rather rewarding. I do use the treadmill when it is to snowy or cold. But hey it won't be to much longer only 3 more months.........................................................................................................................yikes!!!!!!!!!!!
What am doing still living in Minnesota. Soon my wife and I will be empty nesters, except for animals, who knows maybe some place warm is in our future.
For now I will try to get as many long runs in on weekends as possble to help me try and stay sane.
Happy Running !!!